Our Ministries
The Lord longs to hear us sing to Him! Because of that, we are thankful God has blessed City Baptist Church with a vibrant music ministry that allows us to do just that as a church family. Our church has several gifted musicians that use their talents to enhance the service and bless the name of our Lord.
From our very first service, we have had babies that needed a professional, safe nursery. Our nurseries follow the latest standards and practices to ensure your babies have a safe, clean, and welcoming environment giving moms peace of mind while they worship the Lord. We also reach out to young moms through our monthly Moms and Tots playdates!
Our Lord commanded us to “suffer the little children to come unto” Him. We seek to do this through our Sunday School ministry and Wednesday Night Kids' Bible Club. Your children will be taught the Bible in a systematic and engaging way, allowing them to start with a strong foundation in their own walk with God. We also have special events throughout the year just for our children such as camps and VBS!
At City Baptist Church, we recognize that the adolescent years are exciting years! It is our desire to give teenagers the tools they need to live victorious lives and make a difference for Christ. We do this by systematically teaching teens God's Word, providing opportunities for camps and special events that will enrich their spiritual development, as well as empowering parents to lead their teens to live godly lives.
Young Adults
Atlanta is one of the great university cities in the United States. Located in close proximity to 57 colleges and universities, City Baptist Church actively works to be a church home for young students and professionals in our city. We invite you to join our Young Adults Sunday School class and Thursday Night University Bible Study where you will find meaningful Bible study, a community of likeminded young men and women, and fellowship with other Christians!
In addition to the Bible being preached each week during our services, and the Sunday School hour being devoted to studying the Bible by all age groups, new believers are given the option to study God's Word with a more mature believer during the week. These Bible studies help new believers learn doctrine and acquire a basic understanding of their new faith. We desire to see each new believer develop a solid relationship with their Saviour.
Sanctuary Class
Our Sanctuary Sunday School class is our most varied class! In this class you can fellowship with other seniors, mothers and fathers, and business professionals. Each student is given their own study guide to both follow along and further explore the Bible lesson each week!
Ultimately, the church does not exist to provide social experiences for their members, but to get the gospel out into our community. While our members are encouraged to practice personal soulwinning throughout the week, City Baptist Church goes out almost every week for organized soulwinning.